
About us

Chickity Doo Doo is a brand of Pearl Valley Farms located in northern Illinois. We practice “full circle sustainability.”

Chickity Doo Doo is an Aerobically Composted Chicken Manure (ACCM), high in calcium for strong plant tissue development. It is disease resistance, improves photosynthesis, nutrient uptake, and starch conversion. Plus, Chickity Doo Doo is virtually odor-free compared to the pungent scent normally associated with other manure-based composts.

How it’s made

We start with chicken litter from our own healthy, egg-laying chickens which are fed a calcium-rich diet. This litter is mixed with organic materials and left to air-dry and break down in our indoor composting facility. Our compost is regularly, and carefully, turned during the aerobic composting process to ensure complete aeration, a vital aspect behind promoting microbial growth. Once the composting process has been completed, we test and bag the finished product.

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Eggs and making memories April 2019